LEXAN™ FILM & SHEET产品组合提供适合各行业的多种聚碳酸酯材料。请阅读更多关于LEXAN™ FILM & SHEET创新塑料的信息。
LEXAN™ FILM & SHEET特种薄膜与板材部可为众多行业提供高性能工程热塑性板材、系统和薄膜产品,涉及从建筑与施工、消费电子、飞机和火车内饰到光学显示等行业。
我们的LEXAN™ FILM & SHEET聚碳酸酯薄膜和板材系列产品,以分布在世界各地的先进技术支持和应用开发服务为支撑,可以从当地提供支持,以满足客户的全球规范需求。
LEXAN™ FILM & SHEET,我们始终致力于用独特的高性能LEXAN™薄膜和板材来满足客户不断变化的需求。通过我们的服务和产品组合,我们帮助客户降低系统成本,开发具有更好功能的创新设计,开发环保型应用。

As the market area where local producers sell primary necessities had to be renewed, the architect created external façades with LEXAN™ THERMOCLICK™ sheet as a new skin to achieve a new look and created new external covers with LEXAN™ THERMOCLEAR™ sheet.
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On 22 November 2021, Leonardo AW169 air ambulance N307TC of STAR Flight (Travis County Emergency Medical Services) suffered a bird strike from a turkey vulture near Austin, Texas.
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These open boats are the perfect choice for almost any application used by emergency services, military, fire departments and leisure or fishing purposes.
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